Aguas Bravas Rafting Adventure and La Selva Biological Station

We started our day off leaving Arenal and La Fortuna and headed towards La Selva. On our way we stopped at Aguas Bravas for some river rafting. We split into four groups of five each lead by a guide and made the 9 mile ride down stream. Our guides taught us different paddle strokes and… Read more »

Arenal Volcano Hike

After we arrived in Arenal we got ready for our afternoon hike in the Arenal National Volcano park () . We boarded a bus and headed towards the National Park, once there our tou guides graciously gave us water and we headed onto the trail! Along the trail we learned about the history of the… Read more »

On our way to Arenal!

Today we said goodbye to Monteverde and traveled to Arenal! We left bright and earl at 8 am by bus and made our way through rolling green hills and valleys . Wind turbines, cows, horses and rivers dotting the landscape. Once we arrived at the boat launch we had to wait for a few minutes… Read more »

Night Hike in the BEN!

At 5:30 pm Students gathered at the lookout inside the Children’s Eternal Rain Forest for a night hike guided by a BEN Guide. Students split into two groups, led by Armando, Graven, and proceeded down separate paths, one to monke trail and the other bat trail. Along the way both guides pointed out spiders, insects… Read more »

Trail maintenance in the Children’s Eternal Rainforest and Monteverde Cloud Forest

We started today with volunteer work in the Children’s Eternal Rain Forest or BEN (BOSQUE ETERNO DE LOS NIÑOS). We ventured out at 9 am to orientation where we learned about conservation in Costa Rica , and the issues that locations like the BOSQUE face. The Children’s Eternal Rain forest is the corner stone of… Read more »

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Final day of field work and free time in Tamarindo!

Today was out last full day of field work and our last day in playa Grande. The groups split up into 2 teams , one going to mist net for birds, and the second headed for the beach near the estuary to finish up microplastics. Dr.Alvarado and Dr. Rodriguez along with Oscar led a group… Read more »

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Introduction to Field Work

Today Students from CSUCI and La Una came together to perform field work in one of five different groups. The groups focused on conducting field work and data collection pertaining to mangroves, Microplastics, Crocs and tourism, vegetative curtain and turtles, and birds. Each group had specific tasks to complete that would provide important data for… Read more »

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Welcome to Costa Rica!

This website/blog is dedicated to showcase the adventures of Dr. Don Rodriguez and Dr. Allison Alvarado’s 2018 Costa Rica Class. The group left campus around 5:30 am on Thursday, March 15 for their very long travel day. The group flew off around 10am for their layover in Houston, Texas. Their travel day was finally put… Read more »

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New Website!

Check out our new website   

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What was the impact of this course?

So it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve been back home and I, for one, am missing Costa Rica already. Costa Rica was such an enriching experience and the class learned so many great things over the course of a couple weeks. To gain some last minute thoughts from students, I asked them to answer… Read more »

  • Goodbye Costa Rica

    A group photo of both CSUCI and UNA staff at La Playa Grande  Wednesday The 10th day is here. We have spent 10 days of adventure-filled and educationally compacted activities in Costa Rica. From short to long hikes, hot to cold weather, dry to wet forests, we traveled miles and miles of Costa Rican scenery,… Read more »

  • Rafting and La Selva Biological Reserve

    Tuesday It was the last full day for us in Costa Rica and we were making sure to go out with a bang. We started our day off bright and early, traveling outside of La Fortuna to a roaring river where we were planning to go white river water rafting. Once we arrived, we were… Read more »

  • Exploration

    Monday With some of us beginning the day with a peaceful session of yoga, conducted by our generous tour guide, everyone was excited for the day ahead since it was our free day of the vacation. We were allowed to go off on our own and decide what to do within the city as we… Read more »

  • Arenal Volcano

    Sunday Today we left yet another location in beautiful Costa Rica and headed to Las Fortunas and the Arenal Volcano. We traveled through the rolling hills of Monteverde which consisted of lush green pastures, grazing cows and horses, and rivers besides quaint towns within the valleys. We finally arrived to our next destination which was… Read more »

  • Trail Restoration in Monteverde

    Saturday After spending the night in the El Bosque Hotel, we woke up to a windy and rainy morning. We ate a delicious breakfast of traditional gallo pinto (a black bean and rice mixture) and then drove a short distance to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. There, armed with rakes, we helped with trail restoration by… Read more »

  • Cave hike

    Friday Today was a very long but adventure-filled day. It was our last morning in Playa Grande and we all had to say goodbye to the friends we had made with the UNA students. After sharing one last breakfast and packing out luggage back onto buses, we headed on to the Barra Honda National Park…. Read more »

  • Ecotourism in Tamarindo

    Thursday We were all excited for the day, anticipating the fun we would have in the tourist town of Tamarindo during our free day. Fun doesn’t come for free though, so we still had fieldwork responsibilities before lunch. After taking a group picture in our matching tshirts, we split into groups to either survey the… Read more »

  • Continued Field Work

    Wednesday Today was an early day for all, with each group finishing their last field work rotation. These past few days have been filled with service learning activities that, although hard work, have been proven to be quite fun and educational. Let’s take a look at some of the student’s favorite activities these past couple… Read more »

  • Field Work Begins

    Tuesday And the hardwork begins….Today we got down and dirty, beginning our fieldwork activities bright and early in the morning. The classes were divided into 3 groups and would be fulfilling different activities throughout the day: bird monitoring, mangrove monitoring, and (vegetation curtain light pollution). Those who were bird watching left at a crisp 7:20am…. Read more »

  • Second Day of Costa Rica

    Monday The class was eager to get the day started and hoping to catch a glimpse of the sunrise on the beautiful Costa Rican Pacific Coast. We were welcomed with a nice low tide, exposing some infaunal species and gorgeous colors in the early morning sky. After breakfast we met with our new UNA biology students… Read more »
