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Aguas Bravas Rafting Adventure and La Selva Biological Station

We started our day off leaving Arenal and La Fortuna and headed towards La Selva. On our way we stopped at Aguas Bravas for some river rafting. We split into four groups of five each lead by a guide and made the 9 mile ride down stream. Our guides taught us different paddle strokes and… Read more »

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Arenal Volcano Hike

After we arrived in Arenal we got ready for our afternoon hike in the Arenal National Volcano park () . We boarded a bus and headed towards the National Park, once there our tou guides graciously gave us water and we headed onto the trail! Along the trail we learned about the history of the… Read more »

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On our way to Arenal!

Today we said goodbye to Monteverde and traveled to Arenal! We left bright and earl at 8 am by bus and made our way through rolling green hills and valleys . Wind turbines, cows, horses and rivers dotting the landscape. Once we arrived at the boat launch we had to wait for a few minutes… Read more »

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Night Hike in the BEN!

At 5:30 pm Students gathered at the lookout inside the Children’s Eternal Rain Forest for a night hike guided by a BEN Guide. Students split into two groups, led by Armando, Graven, and proceeded down separate paths, one to monke trail and the other bat trail. Along the way both guides pointed out spiders, insects… Read more »

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Final day of field work and free time in Tamarindo!

Today was out last full day of field work and our last day in playa Grande. The groups split up into 2 teams , one going to mist net for birds, and the second headed for the beach near the estuary to finish up microplastics. Dr.Alvarado and Dr. Rodriguez along with Oscar led a group… Read more »